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On going project : 間(あわい)/ AWAI

間(あわい): 向かい合うもののあいだ。また、二つのものの関係。触れ合いとすれ違い、存在と不在が交錯する領域。
"Awai" (間) : The space between facing entities. A realm where contact and divergence, presence and absence, intersect and dissolve into one another.
I am drawn to the "wavering of existence" that emerges when objects are freed from their assigned values and functions. The photographed objects quietly speak of their mere "being," and through the act of seeing, we are invited to reconsider their existence.
In this work, I sought to capture the delicate relationships that arise in the space between objects, between gaze and presence, between light and shadow. Within the stillness of a frozen moment, the viewer stands in the gap between object and gaze, as if touching existence with their eyes. When thoughts sink into the margins of perception, the presence of what is seen begins to waver once again. This wavering is the essence of my photographic practice — the elusive "Awai" I am striving to capture.

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